President’s Message: February 2020

Last month I shared that all of us at ACTO have a huge opportunity to shape our thinking for the future of coach education together. ACTO is YOUR coach training organization and the Board of Directors and committee chairs want to continue to serve you in support of ACTO's mission: We cultivate best practices and [...]

By |2024-06-17T14:21:59-04:00February 25th, 2020|ACTO, President’s Message|Comments Off on President’s Message: February 2020

President’s Message: January 2020

As a trainer focused on neurodiversity, I frequently hear from individuals who are unable to gain full access to coach training because of their learning differences, in addition to facing racial, cultural, socioeconomic and other barriers that keep them from receiving quality coach education. That's not OK with me. How about you? ACTO is at a [...]

By |2024-06-17T14:22:05-04:00January 28th, 2020|ACTO, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, President’s Message|Comments Off on President’s Message: January 2020

President’s message: October 2019

At the 2019 ACTO Conference, our presenters shared their wisdom about diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging to open our eyes and expand our awareness as coach trainers, coaches and, most importantly, as human beings. Attendees were both excited and overwhelmed, wanting to jump into action, while realizing that they need to learn more about themselves [...]

By |2024-06-17T14:22:52-04:00October 29th, 2019|ACTO, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, President’s Message|Comments Off on President’s message: October 2019

President’s message: August 2019

What Does "Inclusion" Mean for Your Coach Training Program? The importance of inclusion in our coach training schools was the subject of a recent discussion I had with a colleague.  She asked me what I meant by the term "inclusion" which led me to wonder what inclusion means to each of us as coach trainers. [...]

By |2024-06-17T14:23:07-04:00August 28th, 2019|ACTO, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging, President’s Message|Comments Off on President’s message: August 2019
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