Dear Members and Friends of ACTO,

It is an honor to address all of you as the president of ACTO, a community deeply rooted in the core values of diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging.

With our unique paths and experiences, each of us brings an invaluable richness that strengthens and unites us in our common purpose: to elevate the art of coaching into a space where every voice is heard, respected, and valued.

We have faced challenging times that, in many cases, have tested our resilience. Yet, I want to remind you of the transformative power of the Phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Just as this majestic being rises from its ashes, so too do we—individuals and as a community—emerge from challenges more vital, wiser, and united than ever. Every obstacle has allowed us to rediscover our capacity to create, learn, and grow.

May this last quarter see us continue building a space where every person feels seen, heard, and celebrated for their authentic presence. Let us continue to work so that our diversity of thought, background, and experiences remains our greatest strength and so that inclusion and equity guide each of our actions. We want to increase our membership to impact the world more.

Thank you for being part of this journey, for your commitment, and for continuing to illuminate this space of mutual growth with your presence.

Like the Phoenix, we rise again and again, stronger and brighter, always focused on our purpose.

With appreciation and gratitude,

Virginia González-Vélez
ACTO President