ACTO Member Profile

Jennifer Tollefsrud

My name is Jennifer Tollefsrud, I became a licensed massage and bodywork therapist in North Carolina in October of  2015, and opened my own massage therapy clinic in Clayton, NC beginning January 2016. I've been married to my best friend since 1993, and we have two amazing children.
My chronic pain journey began at age 12 when I was hit by a car. Although I escaped without broken bones, the accident left lasting damage to my muscles and nervous system, that I have been managing since.
Diagnosed with autoimmune illnesses in my 30s, I had already experienced symptoms like eczema, worsening allergies, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and migraines. Allergy testing in my late 20s revealed sensitivities to numerous environmental and food allergens, prompting me to recognize the impact of diet on my health.
Throughout this journey, I've faced both improvements and setbacks. While my condition can be frustrating, leading to "high-functioning severe depression," I now enjoy more good days than bad, thanks to the support of loved ones who inspire me daily.
Diet has been a crucial factor in my journey. By changing what I eat, I've reduced my pain and increased my activity levels, choosing to engage fully in life rather than sit on the sidelines.
In the fall of 2023, I decided to retire from my massage career to focus on helping others with similar challenges. With over 25 years of experience in the neurodiverse community, I offer innovative solutions and offer guidance on lifestyle and dietary changes for those dealing with autoimmune issues, learning disabilities, chronic pain, anxiety, stress, and depression. 
My unique perspective combines creativity with proven methods.Whether you are struggling with chronic pain, managing stress, or seeking a holistic approach to wellness, I am here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can create a customized plan that fosters resilience, promotes healing, and enhances your quality of life. Take the first step toward a healthier, more vibrant you—schedule a consultation with me today!

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