ACTO Member Profile

Michael Brazzel

Michael Brazzel, PhD, CPCC, CMC, PCC Michael Brazzel is a professional coach, mentor-coach, organization- and system-development practitioner, diversity/social-justice practitioner, author, economist, trainer, and group-facilitator. Michael is emeritus-member of NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science; co-editor of the NTL Handbook of Organization Development and Change: Principles, Practices, and Perspectives (2014) and the NTL Reading Book for Human Relations Training (1999); member of the International Coaching Federation; member of ICF’s 2019-2020 Code-of-Ethics review team; founder of Coaches for Equality and Diversity (a, virtual community of more than fourteen-hundred coaches).  He was a faculty member of Coaching for Transformation, an ACTP coach-training program of Leadership that Works. As a white man, Michael brings a racial and social-justice consciousness to his work and life. Michael’s work is based in the values:  social justice, love, honesty, connection, and life-long learning.

Email Address

Phone Number (410) 995-0247


Credential ICF-PCC