Virtual Conference |  September 14-16, 2022
 9 am to 3 pm ET



Leonardo Ravier

Teoría General del Coaching / General Theory of Coaching

Monsoon Bissell

Coaching for Wholeness: A multi-polar world, a need for belonging and making the personal story count

Leonardo Ravier

Teoría General del Coaching / General Theory of Coaching

Soy un apasionado pensador, autor, profesional e investigador independiente que se posiciona como un outsider del “coaching mainstream” y que tiene por propósito restituir la esencia original del coaching. Hace más de 10 años renuncié a todas las máximas credenciales obtenidas por las más grandes asociaciones nacionales e internacionales del coaching al darme cuenta que formaban parte del problema del caótico, ambiguo, confuso y ecléctico mundo del coaching.

I am a passionate thinker, author, professional and independent researcher who positions himself as an outsider of “Mainstream coaching” and whose purpose is to restore the original essence of coaching. More than 10 years ago I renounced to all the highest credentials obtained by the largest national and international coaching associations when I realized that they were part of the problem of the chaotic, ambiguous, confusing and eclectic world of coaching.

Monsoon Bissell

Coaching for Wholeness: A multi-polar world, a need for belonging and making the personal story count

I could describe myself as a bi-product :
bi-racial, bi-cultural, bi-continental, bi-sexual and certainly, non-binary!
I’m a storyteller at heart who discovered the magic of listening.
I grew up in India and studied mostly in the US. I often refer to myself as a WASP – White Anglo Saxon Punjabi – it either perplexes people or elicits a chuckle.
Tender Fierce is how one friend describes me.
I continually work on owning my own story and telling it as a path to personal freedom and collective healing.

Soy un apasionado pensador, autor, profesional e investigador independiente que se posiciona como un outsider del “coaching mainstream” y que tiene por propósito restituir la esencia original del coaching. Hace más de 10 años renuncié a todas las máximas credenciales obtenidas por las más grandes asociaciones nacionales e internacionales del coaching al darme cuenta que formaban parte del problema del caótico, ambiguo, confuso y ecléctico mundo del coaching.

I am a passionate thinker, author, professional and independent researcher who positions himself as an outsider of “Mainstream coaching” and whose purpose is to restore the original essence of coaching. More than 10 years ago I renounced to all the highest credentials obtained by the largest national and international coaching associations when I realized that they were part of the problem of the chaotic, ambiguous, confusing and eclectic world of coaching.

I could describe myself as a bi-product :
bi-racial, bi-cultural, bi-continental, bi-sexual and certainly, non-binary!
I’m a storyteller at heart who discovered the magic of listening.
I grew up in India and studied mostly in the US. I often refer to myself as a WASP – White Anglo Saxon Punjabi – it either perplexes people or elicits a chuckle.
Tender Fierce is how one friend describes me.
I continually work on owning my own story and telling it as a path to personal freedom and collective healing.

Vikram Bhatt

Panel with young people – Serving the planet: Enlightened coachpreneurship

Vikram Bhatt, is a cisgender male, who identifies as an Indian, heterosexual and agnostic about religious affiliation. Among his core identities is that of a curious explorer, a father, and a person who has been in a spiritual partnership with his wife over the last 25 years. As a coach he embodies intuitive wisdom, and as a coach educator as well as a coach trainer he embodies the identity of a disruptor, who challenges the status quo and is invested in evolving coach training towards serving the consciousness shift on this planet. While proudly embracing his Indian identity, he claims his global citizenship with shyness and some nervousness, and he is learning to own those identities that are outside of his birth and his origin. What has helped him live in uncertain time is the value of friendship and learning.

Vikram Bhatt

Panel with young people – Serving the planet: Enlightened coachpreneurship

Vikram Bhatt, is a cisgender male, who identifies as an Indian, heterosexual and agnostic about religious affiliation. Among his core identities is that of a curious explorer, a father, and a person who has been in a spiritual partnership with his wife over the last 25 years. As a coach he embodies intuitive wisdom, and as a coach educator as well as a coach trainer he embodies the identity of a disruptor, who challenges the status quo and is invested in evolving coach training towards serving the consciousness shift on this planet. While proudly embracing his Indian identity, he claims his global citizenship with shyness and some nervousness, and he is learning to own those identities that are outside of his birth and his origin. What has helped him live in uncertain time is the value of friendship and learning.


Ajay Noronha

Jheeni Beeni Chadariya – Making the Image Sacred Again

Ben Dooley

How to Find Your WOW, NOW!

My name is Ajay Noronha. I am Indian and straight. My ancestors came from Goa, a small province on the West coast that was colonized by the Portuguese for over 450 years.  This explains my given family name – Noronha and my religion – Catholicism. My name – Ajay, is a common Hindu name which means invincible. My father had passed on when I was six shattering my middle-class, cocooned existence. The import of that cataclysm continues to unfold to this day. I am the only one in my family to earn a Master’s degree and to have traveled so extensively. I believe in the divinity that resides within each of us while dreaming of settling on a farm in Goa.

Culturally speaking, as a white male Ben grew up in a widely integrated community of black, white, latino, asian, and all other cultures. He was raised in different churches, grew up with a Jewish family, had LGTB friends and a family range from artists to military to stockbrokers. So really, he has no idea what being “normal” is. As far as he’s concerned normal is completely overrated and boring. It’s our differences that make us amazing and his past has made him a champion for owning and expressing our unique and amazing gifts to the world–as coaches, as humans.

Ajay Noronha

Jheeni Beeni Chadariya – Making the Image Sacred Again

My name is Ajay Noronha. I am Indian and straight. My ancestors came from Goa, a small province on the West coast that was colonized by the Portuguese for over 450 years.  This explains my given family name – Noronha and my religion – Catholicism. My name – Ajay, is a common Hindu name which means invincible. My father had passed on when I was six shattering my middle-class, cocooned existence. The import of that cataclysm continues to unfold to this day. I am the only one in my family to earn a Master’s degree and to have traveled so extensively. I believe in the divinity that resides within each of us while dreaming of settling on a farm in Goa.

Ben Dooley

How to Find Your WOW, NOW!

Culturally speaking, as a white male Ben grew up in a widely integrated community of black, white, latino, asian, and all other cultures. He was raised in different churches, grew up with a Jewish family, had LGTB friends and a family range from artists to military to stockbrokers. So really, he has no idea what being “normal” is. As far as he’s concerned normal is completely overrated and boring. It’s our differences that make us amazing and his past has made him a champion for owning and expressing our unique and amazing gifts to the world–as coaches, as humans.

Carola Fredes

Coaching Orgánico un modelo vivo para el siglo XXI

Christopher McAuliffe


Directora de ECO Escuela de Coaching Orgánico, creadora del Modelo ECO de Coaching Orgánico, una metodología innovadora de coaching que incluye el ámbito del desenvolvimiento espiritual del Coach y que busca conocer y comprender al Ser Humano en Cuerpo, Alma y Espíritu, llegando a través de ella al Propósito esencial del Coachee, acompañando su proceso de manera integral y holística. Más de 20 años de experiencia en consultoría organizacional y coaching y desde el 2017 en formación de coaches. Formación inicial actriz y diversas formaciones profesionales en el ámbito del desenvolvimiento humano, organizacional y espiritual. Me formé como Coach en el año 2005 y desde ahí he seguido apasionadamente aprendiendo de este oficio y hoy enseñandolo. Soy miembro fundadora del capitulo de Chile de ICF, he acreditado con ICF como PCC y ahora estoy en camino a acreditar MCC.

I am a 60 year old white male. Born and raised the only son of a single parent. I came from hardscrabble beginnings but eventually became the CEO/Founder of a multi-million dollar business and have remained in that role for over 22 years. I am married to a wonderful woman and together we have two teenage children.

Carola Fredes

Coaching Orgánico un modelo vivo para el siglo XXI

Directora de ECO Escuela de Coaching Orgánico, creadora del Modelo ECO de Coaching Orgánico, una metodología innovadora de coaching que incluye el ámbito del desenvolvimiento espiritual del Coach y que busca conocer y comprender al Ser Humano en Cuerpo, Alma y Espíritu, llegando a través de ella al Propósito esencial del Coachee, acompañando su proceso de manera integral y holística. Más de 20 años de experiencia en consultoría organizacional y coaching y desde el 2017 en formación de coaches. Formación inicial actriz y diversas formaciones profesionales en el ámbito del desenvolvimiento humano, organizacional y espiritual. Me formé como Coach en el año 2005 y desde ahí he seguido apasionadamente aprendiendo de este oficio y hoy enseñandolo. Soy miembro fundadora del capitulo de Chile de ICF, he acreditado con ICF como PCC y ahora estoy en camino a acreditar MCC.

Christopher McAuliffe


I am a 60 year old white male. Born and raised the only son of a single parent. I came from hardscrabble beginnings but eventually became the CEO/Founder of a multi-million dollar business and have remained in that role for over 22 years. I am married to a wonderful woman and together we have two teenage children.

Damian Goldvarg

Training on Coaching diverse clients. the immigrant experience

Eileen Laskar

Making the Coaching Language and Impact Meaningful to Organizational Leaders

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1966 and moved to the US in 1990. Growing up Jewish in a Catholic country, was my first experience with being different. At 23, coming out as gay, motivated me to emigrate to the US. After I arrived, I had to start navigating additional identities such as being Latino and an immigrant.

I am a Christian Woman, living an urban life but with a cute village girl within who shows up as humble, sometimes shy and introverted. I enjoy intimate relationships and avoid crowds whenever possible. I am married to wonderful husband who I believe was Godsend gift to me. A mother of 3 adorable sons aged 25, 20 and 15. Though my names get people confused about my origins, I am proudly Africa, and specifically proud Kenyan. I am natural nurturer of plants; I consider them my pets. I have a pure green thumb and almost everything I plant grows. I never throw away seeds and I gift my friends fruit trees and potted plants. In all my spheres of influence, my key words that inspire my work are Excellence, Impact and Legacy.

Damian Goldvarg

Training on Coaching diverse clients. the immigrant experience

I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1966 and moved to the US in 1990. Growing up Jewish in a Catholic country, was my first experience with being different. At 23, coming out as gay, motivated me to emigrate to the US. After I arrived, I had to start navigating additional identities such as being Latino and an immigrant.

Eileen Laskar

Making the Coaching Language and Impact Meaningful to Organizational Leaders

I am a Christian Woman, living an urban life but with a cute village girl within who shows up as humble, sometimes shy and introverted. I enjoy intimate relationships and avoid crowds whenever possible. I am married to wonderful husband who I believe was Godsend gift to me. A mother of 3 adorable sons aged 25, 20 and 15. Though my names get people confused about my origins, I am proudly Africa, and specifically proud Kenyan. I am natural nurturer of plants; I consider them my pets. I have a pure green thumb and almost everything I plant grows. I never throw away seeds and I gift my friends fruit trees and potted plants. In all my spheres of influence, my key words that inspire my work are Excellence, Impact and Legacy.

Garima Gupta Kapila

A Yogic Approach to Empowering our clients to Self-heal

Gorka Bartolomé Anguita

El impacto de las competencias de coaching en los mecanismos de creatividad del cerebro.

Brown, well-educated woman proud to enter her forties soon; born to parents belonging to 2 different cultures of India, but brought together by love; Single (both transformed marriage to a spiritual partnership where they work amicably towards living their life purpose through the organization they co-founded); at work, she integrated multiple identities as an engineer, consultant, somatic coach, yoga teacher, development sector practitioner; she belongs to India’s dominant religion of Hinduism and has moved from rejecting her religious roots to now immersing in them and transforming herself; her love for the all-embracing Indian spiritual heritage keeps her firmly rooted in her motherland; her life is dedicated discovering and living “Satya” i.e. truth in the lotus of her spiritual heart.

Me considero una persona con múltiples identidades culturales. A lo largo de mi vida he tenido la fortuna de residir en diferentes paises y ciudades, lo que me ha llevado a reconocer y apreciar la gran riqueza de la diversidad. Abiertamente gay trabaja constantemente por transmitir el respeto y la apertura hacia los demás en todas sus facetas profesionales y personales.

Garima Gupta Kapila

A Yogic Approach to Empowering our clients to Self-heal

Brown, well-educated woman proud to enter her forties soon; born to parents belonging to 2 different cultures of India, but brought together by love; Single (both transformed marriage to a spiritual partnership where they work amicably towards living their life purpose through the organization they co-founded); at work, she integrated multiple identities as an engineer, consultant, somatic coach, yoga teacher, development sector practitioner; she belongs to India’s dominant religion of Hinduism and has moved from rejecting her religious roots to now immersing in them and transforming herself; her love for the all-embracing Indian spiritual heritage keeps her firmly rooted in her motherland; her life is dedicated discovering and living “Satya” i.e. truth in the lotus of her spiritual heart.

Gorka Bartolomé Anguita

El impacto de las competencias de coaching en los mecanismos de creatividad del cerebro.

Me considero una persona con múltiples identidades culturales. A lo largo de mi vida he tenido la fortuna de residir en diferentes paises y ciudades, lo que me ha llevado a reconocer y apreciar la gran riqueza de la diversidad. Abiertamente gay trabaja constantemente por transmitir el respeto y la apertura hacia los demás en todas sus facetas profesionales y personales.

Jim Smith

Training the Coach Trainer

Johan van Bavel

Training the Coach Trainer

Skinny white kid who grew up in an economically-challenged Catholic and Irish-German ethnic suburban community with eight siblings, where hand-me-downs was the norm and parents struggled every day to keep food on the table. Wrestled with depression and sexual identity. Survived suicide, a heart attack at 28, the death of a child. First in his family to graduate university, he built a multi-hued and international family through birth and adoption, learning along the way how to advocate for those with differing abilities. Proud that he has championed gender equity with his sons/daughters and in the workplace. Situational vegan. Loves to dance, garden, and curate dark beers. Owns 17 ways to make coffee and loves to talk to strangers.

My name is Johan van Bavel. I’m born and raised in The Netherlands, so I’m a Dutch man. The family I was born in was working class. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. I’m the only one in that family with a bachelor’s degree. I’m living with my boyfriend. We have been together as a couple for 27 years now.  10 years ago I started a coach training school, which is accredited by the ICF as ACTP. I am an MCC. Proud of that! I love my work and enjoy it very much.

I’m a former rugby player and I still do love sports, although my physics doesn’t allow me to do so much.

Love to travel, love to meet cultures, love to meet people. It makes my life rich.

Nice meeting you!

Kawtar El Alaoui

Coaching for Collective Liberation

Louria Lindauer

3 ways to Elevate you Cultural Competency to Connect Deeper to Your Client

Brown, Moroccan Canadian woman. Born Muslim, raised with a white stepfather in Canada, while living school years with family in Morocco. Experienced gender violence, systemic racism, and a non visible disability. A child of privilege, a university education as assumed. Trained lawyer turned coach in the quest for answers to life’s big questions, identity fragmentation, and inequality. Living in five cultures and being an intercultural trainer and mediator made me listen deeply and see the universality of our humanity. Being a coach and lawyer makes me understand the importance of acknowledging systemic inequities and the importance of working at the levels of individuals and systems to create a more equitable world where everyone can live in dignity and peace.

A beautiful, bold and courageous African American women born in the Mid-west to a single mother, who later married a white Jewish atheist man (then not now) who is my father. Being raised in mixed household had surprises from others and was extremely eye opening to the differences and stereotypes of many different cultures, religions . I was raised middle class with 2 siblings all born in different decades and I have a bunch of siblings I don’t know on my father’s side. I have a BS in Computer Science and all my siblings on my mom’s side are college educated! I am a single mom of 2 children 16 years apart and I am a go-getter who is bold and courageous. First to do many things, first female on my elementary school’s baseball team, first African American Leadership Coach, first on many others and I will continue to break down walls for equity.

Jim Smith

Training the Coach Trainer

Skinny white kid who grew up in an economically-challenged Catholic and Irish-German ethnic suburban community with eight siblings, where hand-me-downs was the norm and parents struggled every day to keep food on the table. Wrestled with depression and sexual identity. Survived suicide, a heart attack at 28, the death of a child. First in his family to graduate university, he built a multi-hued and international family through birth and adoption, learning along the way how to advocate for those with differing abilities. Proud that he has championed gender equity with his sons/daughters and in the workplace. Situational vegan. Loves to dance, garden, and curate dark beers. Owns 17 ways to make coffee and loves to talk to strangers.

Johan van Bavel

Training the Coach Trainer

My name is Johan van Bavel. I’m born and raised in The Netherlands, so I’m a Dutch man. The family I was born in was working class. I have 3 brothers and 3 sisters. I’m the only one in that family with a bachelor’s degree. I’m living with my boyfriend. We have been together as a couple for 27 years now. 10 years ago I started a coach training school, which is accredited by the ICF as ACTP. I am an MCC. Proud of that! I love my work and enjoy it very much.

I’m a former rugby player and I still do love sports, although my physics doesn’t allow me to do so much.

Love to travel, love to meet cultures, love to meet people. It makes my life rich.

Nice meeting you!

Kawtar El Alaoui

Coaching for Collective Liberation

Brown, Moroccan Canadian woman. Born Muslim, raised with a white stepfather in Canada, while living school years with family in Morocco. Experienced gender violence, systemic racism, and a non visible disability. A child of privilege, a university education as assumed. Trained lawyer turned coach in the quest for answers to life’s big questions, identity fragmentation, and inequality. Living in five cultures and being an intercultural trainer and mediator made me listen deeply and see the universality of our humanity. Being a coach and lawyer makes me understand the importance of acknowledging systemic inequities and the importance of working at the levels of individuals and systems to create a more equitable world where everyone can live in dignity and peace.

Lu Ripley

Ordinary people, extraordinary compassion: How suicide alertness enhances coach training

Madeline Brown

Ordinary people, extraordinary compassion: How suicide alertness enhances coach training

Lu comes from a white, working class, rural Ontario cultural background. She has lived in Vancouver for over 20 years and is a mother of a teenager who is the light of her life.

Lu is passionate about justice, current events/geopolitics, physical and mental health.

Woman; White girl from the Vancouver, British Columbia who still resides here. Lover of Arts, Culture and Traveling. Flight attendant for over 18 years; business owner; coach educator; Plant and Cat Mother; Tea drinker; avid Journal Writer and Trained Singer.

Raised in the middle class and passionate about personal growth.

Louria Lindauer

3 ways to Elevate you Cultural Competency to Connect Deeper to Your Client

A beautiful, bold and courageous African American women born in the Mid-west to a single mother, who later married a white Jewish atheist man (then not now) who is my father. Being raised in mixed household had surprises from others and was extremely eye opening to the differences and stereotypes of many different cultures, religions . I was raised middle class with 2 siblings all born in different decades and I have a bunch of siblings I don’t know on my father’s side. I have a BS in Computer Science and all my siblings on my mom’s side are college educated! I am a single mom of 2 children 16 years apart and I am a go-getter who is bold and courageous. First to do many things, first female on my elementary school’s baseball team, first African American Leadership Coach, first on many others and I will continue to break down walls for equity.

Lu Ripley

Ordinary people, extraordinary compassion: How suicide alertness enhances coach training

Lu comes from a white, working class, rural Ontario cultural background. She has lived in Vancouver for over 20 years and is a mother of a teenager who is the light of her life.

Lu is passionate about justice, current events/geopolitics, physical and mental health.

Merlinder Orjela

Inclusive Coach Training to create Authentic Coaches

Nancy Forrester

A Paradigm Shift in Coaching – An Evolutionary Science Approach to Change

Mixed race female, multicultural and multi-nationalities. Lived and worked in multiple countries (seven so far). Love to travel, discover and understand different cultures.

Business owner, coach, trainer & mediator, former corporate HR career in biotech. Yoga & mindfulness teacher.

Nancy (she/her/hers) is a white Canadian woman in her 68th year. She is single mother to a 30-year-old white, gay son. She was raised in a small-town lower-class family by a Scottish father and German mother, both children of the depression years and young adults active in WW2. Her parents held education as highly important even though neither had the opportunity to progress past the eighth grade. Nancy lives in a small Ontario town and is a multi-business owner and coach educator. She enjoys theatre, novels, croissants and ocean waves. She is a lifelong educator, passionate about creating an emotionally safe world for children.

Madeline Brown

Ordinary people, extraordinary compassion: How suicide alertness enhances coach training

Woman; White girl from the Vancouver, British Columbia who still resides here. Lover of Arts, Culture and Traveling. Flight attendant for over 18 years; business owner; coach educator; Plant and Cat Mother; Tea drinker; avid Journal Writer and Trained Singer.

Raised in the middle class and passionate about personal growth.

Merlinder Orjela

Inclusive Coach Training to create Authentic Coaches

Mixed race female, multicultural and multi-nationalities. Lived and worked in multiple countries (seven so far). Love to travel, discover and understand different cultures.

Business owner, coach, trainer & mediator, former corporate HR career in biotech. Yoga & mindfulness teacher.

Rashmi Datt

Intersection of Coaching, Psychodrama and Essence of Vedic Wisdom

Robert Kuang, Juanita Molano Parra, and Catharina Schneegass

The Possibility Underneath Possibility

Woman; Mother. First girl in the family to have travelled outside her parental home for a post graduate Management program to a University 1,500 kms away in the face of family resistance and opposition (girls should stay with parents until they are married). The eldest daughter of parents whose displaced families had lost everything in the 1947 partition of the Indian subcontinent, in the largest forced migration of people. She was raised to believe that your self-esteem is equal only to your accomplishments, even more important than relationships or self-replenishment. Finding the freedom from ‘doing’ to relaxing into the ‘now’ is a joyful quest. A terrarium builder ; CEO Of Vedadrama, Founder of Dialog; Psychodrama and coach educator.

We are three coaching colleagues with culturally different backgrounds – Chinese, Colombian and German. We look different, talk differently, have different personalities, and were raised and grew up in different cities and continents. But in all these differences on the surface we share the same passion for transformational work, unlocking diverse perspectives on leadership, life, and diving deeper to understand who we are. We are business owners, ontologically trained, multi-lingual podcast hosts, experienced in living and coaching outside of our home country. We also have experience training coaches with Accomplishment Coaching, and can provide perspectives as working coaching and coach trainers.

Nancy Forrester

A Paradigm Shift in Coaching – An Evolutionary Science Approach to Change

Nancy (she/her/hers) is a white Canadian woman in her 68th year. She is single mother to a 30-year-old white, gay son. She was raised in a small-town lower-class family by a Scottish father and German mother, both children of the depression years and young adults active in WW2. Her parents held education as highly important even though neither had the opportunity to progress past the eighth grade. Nancy lives in a small Ontario town and is a multi-business owner and coach educator. She enjoys theatre, novels, croissants and ocean waves. She is a lifelong educator, passionate about creating an emotionally safe world for children.

Rashmi Datt

Intersection of Coaching, Psychodrama and Essence of Vedic Wisdom

Woman; Mother. First girl in the family to have travelled outside her parental home for a post graduate Management program to a University 1,500 kms away in the face of family resistance and opposition (girls should stay with parents until they are married). The eldest daughter of parents whose displaced families had lost everything in the 1947 partition of the Indian subcontinent, in the largest forced migration of people. She was raised to believe that your self-esteem is equal only to your accomplishments, even more important than relationships or self-replenishment. Finding the freedom from ‘doing’ to relaxing into the ‘now’ is a joyful quest. A terrarium builder ; CEO Of Vedadrama, Founder of Dialog; Psychodrama and coach educator.

Sharon Brown

Unspoken Words: Coaching for Transformative Justice and Healing

I identify as a Black, African American, cis-gender heterosexual female in my 60s with a partially visible disability. Mother, partner, grandmother, coach, coach educator, social change agent. More spiritual than religious. Grew up in a working-class home with parents who valued the higher education they were denied. Live in northern New Jersey, USA where I was born and raised. Passionate about life-long learning, indigenous wisdom and spiritual traditions, womanist activism, supporting cross-cultural connection, and contributing to social transformation.

Our Sponsors

Robert Kuang, Juanita Molano Parra, and Catharina Schneegass

The Possibility Underneath Possibility

We are three coaching colleagues with culturally different backgrounds – Chinese, Colombian and German. We look different, talk differently, have different personalities, and were raised and grew up in different cities and continents. But in all these differences on the surface we share the same passion for transformational work, unlocking diverse perspectives on leadership, life, and diving deeper to understand who we are. We are business owners, ontologically trained, multi-lingual podcast hosts, experienced in living and coaching outside of our home country. We also have experience training coaches with Accomplishment Coaching, and can provide perspectives as working coaching and coach trainers.

Sharon Brown

Unspoken Words: Coaching for Transformative Justice and Healing

I identify as a Black, African American, cis-gender heterosexual female in my 60s with a partially visible disability. Mother, partner, grandmother, coach, coach educator, social change agent. More spiritual than religious. Grew up in a working-class home with parents who valued the higher education they were denied. Live in northern New Jersey, USA where I was born and raised. Passionate about life-long learning, indigenous wisdom and spiritual traditions, womanist activism, supporting cross-cultural connection, and contributing to social transformation.