Getting Naked (with your clothes on) Going Deeper in Coaching – Pat Williams
In the early days of coaching there was a false bifurcation between counseling and coaching when emotions became present in coaching.
The new coaching models do not deny or ignore client emotions but instead teach how to utilize them for increase awareness and energy shifting. Emotions are E-motion…. Energy in motion and when expressed, difficult or challenging emotions such as fear, hurt, anger or loss will shift into a new experience of relief, courage, and confidence.
Given the conference theme this is especially important at we all have unique histories culturally, socially, etc. As two humans meeting in the coaching space, emotional nakedness and courageous vulnerability can be encouraged and even modeled by the coach and the coaching conversations.
As a coach for 4 decades Pat is a founding member of the ICF and a Master Certified Coach, a Board-Certified Coach, and member of Forbes Coaching Council.
As an educator, he was a founding member of Harvard University’s Institute of Coaching, has taught graduate students at several notable institutions and served as curriculum consultant for the Coaching Certificate program at Fielding International University, and was named Educator of the Year by the New England Educational Institute (2008). In 2018, he was honored to be in the inaugural Circle of Distinction for the International Coach Federation.
Dr. Williams is also Past President of ACTO (Association of Coach Training Organizations), ICF board member and Honorary VP of the International Society for Coaching Psychology.