We are excited to share that as has been the trend over the past two years, ACTO will organize an online conference in June 2022. The online conference has been a revelation for all of us and has provided opportunities and participation from across the globe at costs that are easeful and allow for multilingual, multilocational and multicultural participation and contribution.

This year, we are inviting our conference participants to connect to the essence and core of coaching, and to reclaim our intuitive and natural ways of being as coaches. The conference will challenge us to see beyond what we have come to establish and norms and standard practices of coaching to ‘Unlearn’ – with the faith that this will lead us to discover together what coaching and hence coach training may be evolving into.

What can you expect to discover more about? How can we bring greater weave in the voice of the feminine and the cultures that have been minimized? What are some new threads that can disrupt the fabric of the industry? What needs to be heard once more and… most importantly, what has not yet been spoken?

Coach Training organizations play a crucial and privileged role in this conversation, and the conference is an invitation to pause, celebrate, rebalance and recalibrate our calling and our craft. The pandemic has given us a clear message that we must return to the core and then embrace what’s different, what is emergent in our collective consciousness.

At the conference speakers and presenters will celebrate diversity and spotlight radical innovations in coaching that can serve the cause of what our planet needs to thrive on. Let’s open our hearts and voices to provoke thoughts around new frontiers for coaching and planetary transformation. Extrapolating the conference theme, we will have the following tracks and sub-themes to support a flexible frame for exploration and dialogue.

This is also a strong call to you as a potential presenter. If you are invested in and see your work as pioneering and challenging the norms; if you have experimented with new ideas and innovations that could bring radical change to the field of coaching; if you teach in cultural settings that are different and necessitates innovation – we would love to welcome you to speak at the conference.  Submit your application now.

See you soon!