History of ACTO


8 representatives from 8 coach training schools began met monthly to explore ways to develop coaching knowledge, skills, & standards appropriate for approved training programs.

Founding members:
* Pamela Richarde, Coach University
* Peter Reding, Coach for Life
* Pam Weiss, New Ventures West
* Frederic M. Hudson, Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara
* Fran Fisher, Academy for Coach Training
* Laura Whitworth, CTI
* Terrie Lupberger, Newfield Network-USA
* Teri-E Belf, Success Unlimited Network


  • On May 31, the group met to discuss ongoing collaboration and stewardship of coach training and the related competencies. An alliance was born that became The Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO).
  • ACTO’s initial mission: a dynamic community of peers on the leading edge of excellence and innovation in coach learning.


  • ACTO became a non-profit association open to all coach training organizations (ICF-affiliated or not).
  • ACTO’s stated purpose: To be stewards of high-quality coach training now and in the future and to support high quality and ethical coach training and education.
  • The work of this group of coach educators/trainers was foundational in helping to set standards and strengthen coaching competencies. Their efforts inspired further collaboration in the emerging coaching profession.


  • A group of coach educators and trainers met to discuss the need for diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging to be integrated into coach training and the profession of coaching.
  • Coaching as a profession developed from a primarily US/Euro-centric lens. Cultural awareness and new skills were needed to train and coach a culturally diverse global population in sensitive and competent ways.
  • The ACTO Stand was formalized and ACTO began championing/supporting the development of DEI awareness in coach training.
  • ACTO’s ongoing work and commitment to the stand contributed to ICF’s adoption of the words “identity” and “culture” in the Nov 2019 update of the Core Competencies.


  • Believing that culturally diverse certified coaches and coaching students have valuable insights to help shape the future of coaching and coach education, the ACTO Board opened membership to individual coaches and students as well as to organizational members.
  • ACTO members can collaborate to enhance culturally aware and responsive coaching and coach training. The commitment to the ACTO Stand, and what it means for coaching humans in all their intersectional identities, remains critically important for schools and coaches.