Innovations in Coach Training: Breathwork and its Importance in Coach Training

Our recent forums @ ACTO have featured speakers and presenters who have guided us through the power of breathwork and how it supports building great presence and coaching. Amongst the many innovations that are being introduced in coach education, an important aspect is breathwork and deepening awareness in the present moment through breathwork.

How may we use the powerful tool and practise for releasing constraints and enhancing embodiment for ‘coaches in training’?

How does the coaching process shift and enhance with conscious use of breathwork?

How can the element of curiosity and the client leading the way be integrated with conscious breathwork?

These may be some questions that we as coach trainers may wish to engage in actively.

We think that along with cultivating stillness and working through awareness in silence, active breathwork may the next innovation that can be brought into coaching.

We would be keen to hear if you have introduced breathwork into your coach training curriculum and how it may have impacted your students.