Slowing Down to Connect with Another

April 20, 2016

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“At it’s core, successful coaching entails listening listening. When we listen listening, life occurs like an unfolding possibility with choices for new actions. Great coaches and leaders listen with both the heart and mind for the Self without limits. The more we expand our capacity to listen, the more powerful we are with our speaking to create or cause an outcome.” Attendees can expect to take away skills to listen with a greater opening for attention and intention, Embrace the authentic power of another by respecting their worldview, Build a space for trust and intimacy to occur.


Bettie Spruill, PCC

Bettie Spruill - PhotoBettie Spruill, PPC is a world renowned executive coach, management consultant, entrepreneur, and trainer with over 40 years experience in the field of transformational leadership. She is also a certified Master NLP practitioner and a recognized thought leader in Ontolocial, Mindful, Ecological Living.

In 1981, Bettie attended her first ontological coaching course with Dr. Fernando Flores. This was a catalyst for her deep dive into language and effective communication- the kind of communication that masterfully creates a powerful and honorable reality with others, including all life on the planet.

Bettie’s coaching certification program, Ideal Coaching, is both innovative and inspiring. She deals with harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit in courses offered across the United States and Mexico. Her school, co-owned with Amadi Solutions and Ana Escalanta, is certified by the International Coaching Federation. ICF exists to lead the global advancement of the coaching profession.

Bettie also co-founded Trainer Designs Global, LLC, a training and development company committed to the successful expansion of transformation trainers and speakers. For the past 15 years, TDG has trained trainers who now facilitate workshops, seminars, and trainings for thousands of people worldwide.

Recognized for her innovative problem solving and deep insight into the human condition, Bettie has designed and facilitated transformational workshops in the domains of leadership, mastery, and effectiveness for people in Russia, Malaysia, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Chili, Mexico, England, Hong Kong, Canada, Ghana and the United States of America.

In April of 2000, Bettie adopted Begoro, a village in Ghana, Africa. Since then, she has along with others, have raised thousands of dollars to bring coaching and training to the people of that community to develop vision, leadership, strategies, and practices of sustainability for the individual and the community.

She is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council organized by Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, and includes thought leaders and coaches from around the world.

Bettie was awarded the Positively Powerful Woman Award in 2012 for her transformational education internationally.