Topic: Integrating the PCC Markers into Training and Mentoring  This forum is FREE for members (members must login to access free registration link).
Presenter: Teresa Pool
Date: Feb 20, 2019, 8AM PST/11AM EST
Public Registration: Register now

These quarterly sessions focus on shared learnings and best practices for getting the PCC Markers integrated into coach training programs, including staff training, curriculum updates, mentoring and assessing. Specific discussions on the individual Markers is not in the scope of these sessions.

Our last session explored best practices for getting your staff trained in the PCC Markers. Carrie Abner, ICF Director of Credentialing and Accreditation, joined us to provide up-to-date information on ICF strategies and processes for getting program staff trained on the Markers. If you were unable to attend, be sure to check out the video recording in the members area!

The next session brainstorms ways to continue the path to assessor alignment after PCC Marker training. What are coaching training organizations internally doing to support learning and assessing alignment? Your host, Teresa Pool, will facilitate the dialogue.

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Teresa J Pool, MCC
UT Dallas ACTP Training Director