Driving the Narrative: Creating New Stories to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in Coaching  Robert Stephenson

We will explore the narratives of diversity within the coaching space and profession. Exploring the stories and narratives that we each hold, around coaching and our capabilities. In looking around at the coaching industry, big conferences and events, in not seeing ourselves necessarily represented, whether that’s represented in our race, age, gender, cultural background etc. what does that say to us?

And in leaning into that lack of representation and deciding not to attend etc. We can play into that and create a loop that continues to contribute to the issue. And how from a personal perspective we can challenge this by attending these events, and being the face that shows others what’s possible, but also as an organisation how we can encourage those that don’t see themselves in those spaces to show up and feel included and valued.

Robert Stephenson is a Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Speaker and the Centre Director of Animas, a diversified coaching school in the UK and Europe.

Accredited by the ICF, AC, and ILM, Robert started at Animas by delivering specialist CPD courses, including the Certificate in Group Coaching and the Certificate in Youth Coaching, which he co-created with Animas Founder Nick Bolton. Robert’s true love in coaching is using the multi-sensory and multi-dimensional process of narrative coaching to allow new stories to emerge within a client’s world!

When he’s not presenting Animas lectures and talks, you can see him challenging diversity and inclusion in coaching, leadership and beyond as host of the Animas podcast, Coaching Uncaged.