The Role of Psychological Safety in training and coaching for DEIB Patrick Williams
The Role of Psychological Safety in training and coaching for DEIB. Come to this interactive and experiential webinar to learn the newest research for creating the learning environment in both coach training and in the coaching relationship, with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. This is a hot topic today for good reason and is the next step given our knowledge of emotional intelligence and with the new ICF competencies emphasizing Coaching Mindset, Being of client and Coach and consciously attending to emotions of both coach and client.
Reference to the 4 stages of Psychological Safety for Inclusion and Innovation and how they are incorporated into training and coaching relationships for individuals and teams.
As a coach since 1990 Pat is a founding member of ICF, a Master Certified Coach, a Board Certified Coach, and member of Forbes Coaching Council.
As an educator, he was a founding member of Harvard University’s Institute of Coaching, has taught graduate students at several notable institutions and served as curriculum consultant for the Coaching Certificate program at Fielding International University, and was named Educator of the Year by the New England Educational Institute (2008). In 2018, he was honored to be in the inaugural Circle of Distinction for the International Coach Federation.
Dr. Williams is also Past President of ACTO (Association of Coach Training Organizations), ICF board member and Honorary VP of the International Society for Coaching Psychology.