Request for Proposals
We are excited to provide the Request for Proposals for the 2021 ACTO Virtual Conference!
Guidelines & Proposal application form – download this document and save the completed form to submit via email. (Depending on your browser, you may need to right-click and open in a new tab to download the document.)
Extended Submission Deadline for Final Proposals is Friday, February 19, 2021
ACTO Conference 2021 | June 16-18, 2021
Leveling Up: Integrating Equity and Inclusion with Excellence in Coach Training
The Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO) will be offering the 2021 Annual Conference virtually! This will be a full conference with informative sessions and networking opportunities. The theme of the ACTO 2021 Conference, Leveling Up: Integrating Equity and Inclusion with Excellence in Coach Training is intended to promote a creative environment where we can explore and advance coach training by focusing on excellence while being intentionally guided by the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging through the lens of the updated ICF core competencies. The conference is a venue for critical thinking and sharing insights into what works as it inspires us to collaborate in moving that goal forward.
We look forward to reviewing your proposal!