Topic: Power, Privilege, Rank and Culture: Critical to Our Work This forum is FREE for members. You must login to access the member registration.
Presenter: Halli MacNab, PCC and Amy Michael
Date: November 20, 2017, 9AM PST/12PM EST
Public Registration: Register Now
Whether we know it or not, we’ve all had experiences that relate to Power, Privilege, Rank and Culture. We will explain why it is critical to understand issues of Power, Privilege, Rank and Culture (PPRC) as coach educators, as coaches and as human beings. The more awareness of PPRC that we have, the better able we are to have relationships with our clients and our students that are impactful. In our work as coaches and coach educators, we ask our students and our clients to recognize limiting belief systems and biases and we must do this work ourselves. This framing uniquely positions coach educators to do PPRC work. In PPRC work, we are also looking at the biases that are inherent in our belief systems and the way we move through the world including how this impacts the way we relate to each other, our students and our clients.
We will talk about what these concepts mean: power, privilege, rank and culture. For example, culture is more than race. It’s a rich term that includes religion, sexual orientation, socio-economic upbringing, language, education, citizenship, geography and much more.
We all have experience with privilege and we all have experience with oppression in the work we do and the systems in which we operate. Looking at these experiences and how they impact our view of the world is part of the work of PPRC, which gives us access to understanding and relating to our clients and our students more deeply.
We will also discuss the work of the recent Calling in Power and Culture summit including ways to become involved with the work moving forward.
ACTO is proud to have been lead sponsor of this event, and acknowledges the importance of this work for coach educators and trainers.
Halli is a white, Canadian, lesbian, coach in private practice and trains coaches for Accomplishment Coaching. She was actively involved in the planning the Calling In Power & Culture Summit, held in Toronto in September, which brought together coaches and coach educators from around the world who are passionate about transforming the dynamics of power, privilege, rank and culture in coach education and the coaching profession as a whole. She is past president of the Vancouver Island Chapter of the ICF, and the President-Elect of ACTO.
Amy is passionate about working with curious and courageous people who are ready for change in their lives, their work, their organizations and their very way of being on this planet. Amy is a coach and a consultant who has worked in leadership positions in both the private and nonprofit sectors for the last 20 years.
Amy is a CIS gendered, straight, white woman who grew up in Seattle and is passionate about community involvement and social justice. She currently serves as Board President for Women’s Funding Alliance and is an active member and leader at Washington Women’s Foundation. She has an undergrad in Sociology and Women Studies from the UW and an Executive MBA from Seattle U where she also serves in the Masters in Nonprofit Leadership Program as Adjunct Faculty.