Topic: Are you a VIP?    Free registration, CCE pending.
Presenter: Johan van Bavel MCC/ACTC
Date: Nov 8, 2023,  8:00 US PT, 11:00 US ET, 17:00 CET, 21:30 IST (90 minutes)
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In this webinar (competency 6 and 7), we will embark on a deeper exploration of language and how it is generative for the paradigms we hold in life, particularly how we use language to create our life outcomes. We will undertake this exploration interactively. The main focus of this webinar is not so much the language of the client but the language of the coach. Are you ready? Join us; you are most welcome.

Johan is a coach trainer, the founder, and owner of “Intention, Centre for Leadership and Coaching.” He offers a Level-2 coach training program known as “Co-Creation” and resides in the southern region of the Netherlands, where he relishes life and loves to travel.

His passion lies in teaching coaches on how to evolve into professional coaches, thus contributing to the betterment of our world. Coaches trained by Johan become active listeners with a strong presence and a deep understanding, paying forward their skills to make the world a better place.