FAQs about Pay What You Can (PWYC)
- What do you mean by Pay What You Can?
As a global organization, we must notice that not everyone has the same means. We have in the past experimented with pricing based on geography – our outcomes were unsatisfactory.
We learned that many factors affect your income and professional development budget, e.g. your country’s currency, your economic zone, the stage of your business growth, your business model, your current client base, etc.
We cannot assume, for example, that a US or EU-based coach can always pay a full rate or that a coach in India or some Special Economic Zones cannot.
Rather than assume, we offer choices and ask you to choose what’s most appropriate based on your capacity to pay for value.
- Why offer many registration options?
In 2019, ACTO adopted our Stand for DEIB, which reads, in part:
“we acknowledge and are committed to eliminating the negative impact of personal and systemic bias, privilege and oppression, which may be conscious or unconscious, intentional or unintentional, overt or subtle.”
Some of those impacts are economic, and the impacts vary widely. Thus, many options.
Full text of the ACTO Stand for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging here, or this URL: https://actoonline.org/acto-stand/
- I’m confused by your pricing. What are you doing?
In 2023 we conducted a registration fee experiment and offered this multi-tiered registration option. Many people joined the conference who would otherwise not have been able to afford the full USD fee. We observed that as many registrants who chose a PWYC, equal numbers chose to pay into the scholarship fund and support their colleagues. We were delighted with the honesty and care that people brought to their registration decision.
Why pay more? See the next two questions….
- What if someone CAN pay more and chooses otherwise?
For decades or longer, individuals and organizations have thrived using a “pay what you can” model for all their work, so we have evidence that we can trust most people, most of the time, to do the right thing. If you’ve clicked on this question, you’re likely one of those, so Thank You!
- Can I support others who might not afford a higher rate at this time?
Absolutely! You can choose to pay a higher rate or add a Contribution to Scholarship Fund option for your conference fee. ACTO has offered this “scholarship for others” option for many years.
- Do I have to pay extra for CEUs?
You are eligible for Continuing Coach Education Units at any level of registration.
- What are the payment methods you accept?
Payment by credit card is preferred. Major credit cards can be processed on the registration site, which is supported by Stripe.com. Thru special arrangement we can take payment through Wise.com (bank to bank) or even by check, using digital options. Contact acto@actoonline.org if you require accommodation.
- Can I get a full refund?
If your life goes awry and you need to cancel your attendance, you may contact us to (a) transfer your registration to another person, or (b) to donate your registration fee to the scholarship fund to allow others to participate.
If you require a refund, you may request it up to five days prior to the conference, less a $50 USD administrative fee. After that, the fee is non-refundable, though you may still transfer your registration.
- I need more guidance on deciding!
Pay what you can entry rates:
Consider paying in this category if these apply:
- you live in a country where the currency ranks below the top 10 currencies of the world
- you are currently a student or unemployed
- the majority of your income goes to meeting your foundational needs (food, rent, health)
- the majority of your income goes to caring for others
Regular & scholarship conference entry rates:
Consider paying in this category if these apply:
- you live in a country where the currency ranks among the top 10 currencies of the world
- you are currently employed on a full time basis