Watch the videos of past Forum Calls.

Nov 15, 2023: AI Coaching

Nov 8, 2023: Are you a VIP

Oct 25, 2023: Poetry for Coaches: The Value of a ‘Third Thing’

Oct 18, 2023: Cambia tu mundo, logrando riqueza y felicidad

Sept 27, 2023: Power, Leadership & Change: An Equity & Inclusion Approach in Coaching

Sept 20, 2023: Coaching la Poderosa herramienta en Tecnologías de la Información

Aug 23, 2023: Breaking Down Belonging

Aug 16, 2023: La importancia de DEI en la práctica del Coaching

July 19, 2023: Salario Emocional y Coaching no directivo

May 24, 2023: On the Path: How Coach Training Schools can take Action on DEIJB
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May 17, 2023: El arduo e inspirador camino hacia la excelencia en coaching

April 26, 2023: Coaching for Caregivers – the imperative and the challenges

April 19, 2023: El rol dé la Supervisión en la formación de Coaches

March 22, 2023: Professionalism as a Racial Construct

March 15, 2023: Coaching aplicado al día a día de las empresas

February 22, 2023: DEIB and me

February 15, 2023: Expansión del coaching mediante plataformas digitales

January 25, 2023: Overcoming The Impostor: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence

January 18, 2023: El Coaching Energético: Explorando una nueva dimensión con nuestros clientes