ACTO Expands Membership Categories, Invites Greater Participation

Changes are coming to the ACTO Membership structure. Effective, July 1, 2021, the Board has approved changes in ACTO membership categories, as follows:

1. Organizations: $325 USD – Access to all ACTO benefits to 7 Members of the Coach Training Organization, including $100 discount on Conference Fee

2. Individuals: $100 USD – Access to all ACTO member benefits, including $100 discount on Conference Fee

3. Students enrolled in ACTO Member Organizations: $20 USD – Access to the Website and opportunity to serve as a volunteer on an ACTO Committee

4. Associate Member Volunteers* serving on any ACTO Committee, in any capacity, during the first year would be considered an “Associate Member” and not charged a fee during the year of service effective retroactively through July 2020 through June 30, 2021. Associate Members will have access to the ACTO website and member discounts for all Educational Forums and the ACTO Conference. This membership category can only be accessed for one term of ACTO membership.

*This category of membership can only be submitted by the Chair(s) of the respective ACTO Committee.

The intent of these changes is to attract more members — both from organizations and solopreneurs — as well as students and coaches who are willing to serve on the various ACTO committees. The ACTO Membership Committee has recommended these changes as a way of:

  • Expanding our reach, both globally and in the U.S.
  • Practicing a more inclusive membership recruitment process
  • Providing an opportunity for more coaches to get to know ACTO better, through service and active participation in the organization

The term of membership will be moved to an annual renewal period of July 1 through June 30 of each year — effective July 2021. This change is made to coincide with the election of members to the ACTO Board. Anyone wishing to renew or join ACTO at the current fee structure will be able to do so immediately until June 30, 2021, rendering their term of membership from the date joined in 2021 through June 30, 2022.