Virtual Conference | | September 14-16, 2022 |
9 am to 3 pm ET |
Leonardo Ravier
Keynote Speaker
Teoría General del Coaching / General Theory of Coaching
Teoría General del Coaching (TGC) es el resultado de 20 años de experiencia pionera en el mundo del coaching y la primera investigación doctoral que aporta, de manera sistematizada y completa, el marco científico requerido para que la disciplina y profesión del coaching resuelva sus problemas de incoherencia, ineficiencia y ética que sufre en la actualidad, debido, principalmente, a la adulteración persistente de su esencia identitaria.
La tesis doctoral, leída y defendida en la prestigiosa Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (con la máxima calificación posible, “Sobresaliente Cum Laude”), supone un hito histórico sin precedentes en el mundo del coaching.
General Theory of Coaching (GTC) is the result of 20 years of pioneering experience in the world of coaching and the first doctoral research that provides, in a systematic and complete way, the scientific framework required for the discipline and profession of coaching to solve their problems of incoherence, inefficiency and ethics that it currently suffers from, mainly due to the persistent adulteration of its identity essence.
The doctoral thesis, read and defended at the prestigious Faculty of Psychology of the Autonomous University of Madrid (with the highest possible rating, “Outstanding Cum Laude”), represents an unprecedented historical milestone in the world of coaching.
Leonardo Ravier (Buenos Aires, 1976) es doctor en Psicología por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) y en Ciencias económicas por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC), docente universitario invitado, pionero del coaching, conferenciante internacional, emprendedor y autor de varios libros, entre los que destacan “Teoría General del Coaching” (2021), “Self-management. Cómo implementar la autogestión organizacional utilizando el Modelo Canvas” (2020), “Coaching no directivo. Metodología y práctica” (2016), “Historia económica de la empresarialidad. Hacia una teoría praxeológica de la firma” (2016) o “Arte y ciencia del coaching. Su historia, filosofía y esencia” (2005). Fundador del Eo ipso Center, incubadora de facilitadores, certificadora de profesionales y auditora de propuestas dentro de las disciplinas del coaching y el self-management.
Leonardo Ravier (Buenos Aires, 1976) is a doctor in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and in Economic Sciences from Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC), visiting university professor, pioneer of coaching, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of several books, among which “General Theory of Coaching” (2021), “Self-management. How to Implement Organizational Self-management using the Canvas Model” (2020), “Non-directive Coaching. Methodology and Practice” (2016), “Economic History of Entrepreneurship. Towards a Praxeological Theory of the Firm” (2016) or “Art and Science of Coaching. Its History, Philosophy and Essence” (2005). He is the founder of the Eo ipso Center, facilitator incubator, professional certifier and auditor of proposals within the disciplines of Coaching and Organizational Self-management.